Hardware related software
Firstly software facilitating early basic functional tests is written.
I ususally write hw.c och hw.h where all hw related funktionality is defined – and expanded. The administrative part of the sw calls these files/functions. If the processor, display or a peripheral is changed only these files need to be updated or expanded. Look at them as the API of the PCBA. This has been a very successful method when for various reasons a processor or peripheral is replaced, not the least in the recent period of component shortage.
Administrative software
This the sw defining the external functionality of the PCB, that is how the pcba rects to and responds to commands, states and values. This sw can be changed and updated as requirements and requests increase and change. I can contribute with this part of the sw as well.
Want to know more? Feel free to contact me by phone or email. I have my office/lab centrally located in Vellinge.
+46 70 280 58 60
Anders Ruuswik
Anders Ruuswik