
From idea to draft

Originating in an idea a block design is made. The block design describes the functional blocks needed and how they will be controlled and control each other. The block design is used to select the major parts and most important components.

From block design to details – the schematics

Originating in the block design a detailed schematics is created. In the schematics every single detail is calculated. This regards processor speed, memory requirements, number of pins and peripherals as well as power supply, every single transistor, ressitor, capacitor and diode etc. Here words and expressions like ’approximately’, ‘maybe’ or ’we’ll see’ do not exist. In the schematics requirements and problems are solved down to the details.


Want to know more? Feel free to contact me by phone or email. I have my office/lab centrally located in Vellinge.


+46 70 280 58 60



Anders Ruuswik


Anders Ruuswik